We've worked tirelessly to try to source materials, producers and suppliers who manufacture in the USA. Our production partners are located in New York, Boston and Los Angeles. We source the majority of fabric from mills who are making the fabric themselves. Our main supplier is based on Long Island, NY. When we source from outside the country, it is because it simply is not available here and you can be guaranteed that we are sourcing from trusted partners when we do import. Your packaging comes from USA manufactured materials. I Love My Nighty's guiding priorities are that we're able to visit our partners with ease to see the conditions, meet the employees and be within a few hours travel time.
Working with partners in the USA reduces travel miles and the carbon footprint for transporting goods and materials. It also provides good jobs for Americans and our hardworking immigrants, who help make our country a place where everyone has an opportunity to live a better life and dream lovelier.
Our prices reflect the true cost of providing a living wage to the business owners and employees that we support. We are doing our best to keep the prices affordable for our dedicated customers, and please consider that your purchase goes right back into the American economy and growth of the manufacturing industry in our country. Slow, small-batch production comes at a higher cost, but we believe this is better for our planet and our customers, and we thank you so much for supporting our business ideals!